“Oooh! I hear laughter in the rain”

“Oooh! I hear laughter in the rain” Neil Sedaka

There’s a line from a corny old love song by Neil Sedaka, where after wandering through the trees with his baby, he hears laughter in the rain.  It was pouring with rain this morning and it was the start of a day that turned out to be extremely unsatisfying. A few small things were not as I had planned, and before I knew it, I found myself taking myself and my troubles extremely seriously and had lost all perspective about the difficulties I was facing.  I did the grown up, or not so grown up, version of stamping my feet and threw my toys out of my pram.

Only later, did I check my emails in a quiet moment and find this video clip with John Cleese.  A group of laughter yoga students in Mumbai are pretending to laugh.  As their teacher says, “they fake it till they make it” and their giggling becomes real.As I watched, I noticed that the burden of resentment I’d been carrying during the day was beginning to lighten.  I even cracked a smile.


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