I am what I am

i am what i am

Diva, Gloria Gaynor, belts out“I am what I am” (click the link for a blast of Gloria) - don't you just love this hymn to self-love, belief and confidence? So much feedback at work revolves around fixing your faults, making yourself better, squeezing yourself into the round hole required by your employer. Elizabeth Lovius has been working with Insights Discovery to help teams find out more about each other and what makes people tick...

What do you do someone is driving you crazy? Learn to love them!

We’ve all worked in or seen teams where there are people that we can't quite figure out. They do things differently to us - a different pace, style, approach or needs. Sometimes we can get frustrated or held back by difference.  Yet, when we understand what makes people tick, we can make it work to everyone's advantage.  When we take time to reflect - What energises & motivates people? How do they make their decisions? How do they take on board information? - we often learn more about people's preferences, personality and behaviours (the things that we see and experience when we are with them) and work out ways of working more effectively and productively together. That’s where Insights Discovery profiles come in.

Insights Discovery is a Jungian based tool that answers these questions by identifying four basic archetypes or personalities.  Each is given a colour which makes them easy to remember. Using 72 possible combinations each person's profile uniquely represents their preferences.

Do you recognise anything of yourself in these descriptions

?Fiery red Warrior; Forceful, bold, challenging and demanding - gets the job done bravely

Sunshine yellow Magician; Sociable, upbeat, flexible and chaotic - able to spin anything into gold

Earth Green Nurturer; Patient, tolerant, supportive and stubborn - reliable team player

Cool Blue Good King; Detached, analytical, detailed and critical - balancing views to make wise judgements

Recently I worked with a divisional management team who had worked together for over ten years. Insights Discovery helped them each to find out something about the others that they didn't already know such as, what each colleague needed from them to be their best and what working conditions they thrived in.  Together they explored what stopped them being as effective as they could be and how to best support each other when they got stuck. The team were also able to identify strategies for dealing with personal “blind spots” and address gaps in how they worked together as a team that they simply hadn't considered before.And where are they now?  The team are feeling more unified and more appreciative of how to achieve results by capitalising on strengths and minimising weakness.  They are learning to love each other rather than drive each other crazy.


The Choir


Competition and collaboration