A drop in the ocean


How many times have you heard the phrase “It’s just a drop in the ocean”?

"It’s not worth voting in the election, my vote will just be a drop in the ocean."

"What’s the point of buying a copy of Big Issue.  It’s just a drop in the ocean."

Or maybe you’ve heard yourself say something similar."There’s no point trying to change that, they never listen."

"I’m not going to bother talking to colleagues about that issue, they’re too set in their ways."'It’s always been that way, what difference can I make?"

Today I picked up a book to read on the train.  The dedication read “This is a book for anyone who thinks it might be worth adding their drop to the ocean.”

What drops have I added to the ocean today?I gave a listening ear to someone planning a major life changeI spent time in the sunshine sharing lunch and ideas with someone wanting to set up a new businessI gave my 17 year old daughter a huge Birthday hug

Little drops create ripples.  What drops have you added?


Choice or Sacrifice?

